Working Through Emotional Trauma
About Me
Working Through Emotional Trauma

I still remember my accident like it was yesterday. One minute I was driving my daughter to school and the next I was waking up in a hospital bed. It was frustrating to deal with the emotional trauma of forgetting an entire week of my life, in addition to stressing about my small child. Fortunately, we were both able to recover, but it wasn't easy walking dealing with the medical bills that accompanied the accident. I found myself struggling with things as simple as answering the phone, because I was nervous about dealing with another insurance adjuster. Fortunately, by working with a lawyer, I was able to make sense of my situation. I know that you can overcome difficult challenges too, which is why I shared my story on this website.

Working Through Emotional Trauma

What Goes Into An Accident Settlement? What To Know

Debra Hawkins

Accident settlements are a great way to be paid for the ways you have suffered due to an accident. If the other driver caused your wreck, you can be paid for several forms of damage that go well beyond your wrecked vehicle. Read on to learn the vital facts you need to know before you agree to a settlement.

Who is Liable for the Accident?

Liability refers to the legal and financial responsibility for an accident. In a two-car accident, one of the drivers should pay the other driver's expenses, also known as damages. The liability for an accident lies with not just the driver that caused the accident but their insurer as well. However, insurers seldom want to pay what they should. Your chances of gaining an adequate settlement offer could come down to having a personal injury lawyer take your case. They can make sure the other driver's insurer pays you what you deserve.

What Are the Damages?

Auto accidents can call for several forms of damage. Almost any negative impact brought about by the accident can be considered a form of damage. Damages are not just a list of ways you have been impacted—they are attached to money. Damages are money and it's important to know what your damages are and how much you can be paid. Consider these common car accident damages:

  1. Pain and suffering – This form of damage is considered non-economic damage. That doesn't mean you cannot be paid for pain and suffering but it can be more complex to calculate how much you are owed. In some cases, it's several times your medical expenses but not all accident cases calculate pain and suffering the same way. Speak to a personal injury lawyer to find out how to prove and be paid for pain and suffering.
  2. Medical costs – All related medical expenses are covered, and the bills should be paid in a timely manner. If not, the medical facility could bill you. Speak to your lawyer when the insurer is slow to pay what they should.
  3. Lost wages – Almost all accident victims miss time from work. Keep up with it and expect to be paid for all time missed along with any time you had to use your paid time off to cover that need.
  4. Vehicle repair – If the vehicle cannot be repaired, you should be paid so that you can purchase another vehicle.

Accident settlements can be lower in value for those without personal injury help. Speak to a personal injury attorney and get the settlement you need.
