Working Through Emotional Trauma
About Me
Working Through Emotional Trauma

I still remember my accident like it was yesterday. One minute I was driving my daughter to school and the next I was waking up in a hospital bed. It was frustrating to deal with the emotional trauma of forgetting an entire week of my life, in addition to stressing about my small child. Fortunately, we were both able to recover, but it wasn't easy walking dealing with the medical bills that accompanied the accident. I found myself struggling with things as simple as answering the phone, because I was nervous about dealing with another insurance adjuster. Fortunately, by working with a lawyer, I was able to make sense of my situation. I know that you can overcome difficult challenges too, which is why I shared my story on this website.

Working Through Emotional Trauma

3 Situations To Seek Justice For Your Loved One's Injury

Debra Hawkins

You can file a claim on behalf of your loved one when they get injured or lose their life in an accident. However, claims relating to personal injury are usually complex because they require extensive investigations to unearth the reason behind the injuries or death. For that reason, it is prudent to enlist the services of a personal injury lawyer so as to accurately determine the wrongdoer and take the right legal action against them. Legal help is particularly necessary for the following situations. 

Your Loved One Has Died In an Accident

Coping with the untimely death of a loved one can be pretty stressful. Suing the responsible party might be necessary if your relative lost their life because of negligence. Your attorney will gather the required evidence to file a strong lawsuit against the wrongdoer. A successful claim will enable you to receive compensation to cover medical bills incurred before death, funeral expenses, and loss of companionship. In addition, you can pursue payment for the wages your loved one could have earned had they not lost their life.

Your Loved One Has Sustained Injuries During Treatment

Patients who visit a healthcare facility expect to receive the best medical care possible. However, that is not always the case. It is not uncommon for a patient's condition to worsen after treatment due to a medical error. For instance, a mistake can occur when a healthcare provider fails to make a correct diagnosis before treating a patient. Because of this, they may recommend the wrong medication, which causes complications instead of treating an illness. Additionally, they can prescribe the wrong dosage or make mistakes during surgery. If any of the errors above happen to your loved one, consult a legal advisor to seek justice for the medical malpractice.

Your Loved One is Undergoing Abuse in a Care Center

Many senior citizens undergo abuse at the hands of caregivers who are supposed to offer them care and assistance. You can take legal action when you notice that your family member is being treated poorly in an elder care home. Signs of mistreatment include unusual behavior and visible injuries. When you notice these signs, contact a professional legal advisor to investigate the incident and file a claim against the wrongdoer.

The above injustices warrant compensation, and a personal injury lawyer can help you pursue it. They will help you collect evidence, which is a critical aspect of the claim. Most importantly, they will negotiate with the insurance company for the best payment possible. 
