Working Through Emotional Trauma
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Working Through Emotional Trauma

I still remember my accident like it was yesterday. One minute I was driving my daughter to school and the next I was waking up in a hospital bed. It was frustrating to deal with the emotional trauma of forgetting an entire week of my life, in addition to stressing about my small child. Fortunately, we were both able to recover, but it wasn't easy walking dealing with the medical bills that accompanied the accident. I found myself struggling with things as simple as answering the phone, because I was nervous about dealing with another insurance adjuster. Fortunately, by working with a lawyer, I was able to make sense of my situation. I know that you can overcome difficult challenges too, which is why I shared my story on this website.

Working Through Emotional Trauma

3 Reasons To Hire A Drunk Driving Attorney

Debra Hawkins

If you or someone you know has recently been arrested on a charge of driving under the influence (DUI), driving while impaired (DWI), or a similar charge, then you may assume that you have few options going forward. Hiring a drunk driving attorney, however, is one thing you can do that is advantageous. Not only will an attorney be able to handle everything that comes along with the case on your behalf, but they can often work to lessen the severity of the consequences or overturn the charge entirely. Take a look below at just three of the reasons why people involved in drunk driving incidents would do well to hire an attorney.

Overturning Your Charge 

While overturning a drunk driving charge is far from a guarantee, there are many situations in which it may be more likely than you think. One such instance is a false positive breathalyzer test. Such tests only account for a quantified breath alcohol level, not blood alcohol level, which is what legal limits are based on. There are a number of reasons why your test results might indicate a high alcohol content despite you never having had a single beverage before driving. Whether it is a legitimate medical condition like acid reflux or just the recent use of mouthwash, an attorney can help you to determine and prove the cause of a false positive breathalyzer result. 

Reducing Fines or Sentencing

Even if overturning the charge is not possible, there are still more than a few good reasons to hire legal representation. One of the biggest of these is the fact that they can work to reduce whatever fines or sentences accompany your charge. This is especially true if you are a first-time offender with no criminal history. In such a case, you may find that you have saved yourself hundreds of dollars and will get your license reinstated much sooner by having hired a drunk driving attorney. 

Handling Complex Cases

In more complex DUI cases, you may be required to do much more than simply appear in court. You will almost certainly have to negotiate at length with insurance company representatives, be in constant communication with attorneys representing other parties, and face the possibility of being liable for enormous medical bills. All of this is nearly impossible to navigate on your own — especially in the aftermath of a serious charge — making it that much smarter to hire an attorney.

To find out more, consult with a drunk driving attorney
